Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ghost Dog

This film is a womderfully written piece following a hit-man for the mafia in the streets of New York. Yet this hit-man follows the code of the samurai, and finds honor in violence, serving a master, and keeping to the code. Forest Whittaker takes on the challenging role of interpreting a lovelable cold-blooded killer, who befriends a franco-phone who owns an ice-cream truck, a small girl, who like Ghost Dog enjoys reading books about far-away lands, and different cultures. She and Ghost Dog discuss these books in the park over ice cream while he is not doing -hit jobs for one of the mafia lords. 
The theme of old- gangster vs. new gangster is apparent throughout the film, as the Italian mafia is altogether being phased out of the drug cartel, leaving that to new ways of machiavellian style war-lording, those that hold no codes and no honor.
He reminded me a lot of marlon brando's character from the movie waterfront as he kept a coop of messenger pigeons and slept with them. The mafia that ended up after ghost dog also shot his birds as the mob killed all of marlo's as well.The biggest difference here I think is that Ghost Dog actually was a contender.

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