Friday, May 1, 2009

La Strada

This film follows the story of a young girl sold to a traveling entertainer as his wife. She learns to perform along with him, and even learns to love the abusive drunkard who takes other women and disappears for days at a time, one time even abandoning her outside of a restaurant in a small town. This film is psychologically interesting as it displays the inner emotional workings of an emotionally abused young woman, from complete breakdown to trying to find a reason to love him. A kindly trapeze artist helps her find her place in the world by asking her who would love the circus performer if she didn't.
It is considered by many to be one of Fellini's most beautifully shot films, and most powerful and effective scripts.
The closing scene of the film recalls mythic archetypes as Zampano, the drunken circus performer realizes that Gelsomina, the young girl is gona away from him forever. He lies down at the seashore, in the feminine realm, and surrenders himself to the sea and sky.

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